(Version 2)The idea of the application:The application users read the sayings of the Prophet peace be upon him in Sahih Bukhari helpsApplication:The application sayings of the Prophet peace be upon him mentioned in Sahih Bukhari the idea of dividing the chatter as mentioned in Sahih Bukhari listsFrom the book and then the door, the application first and then displays books on ways to choose the book displays the doorsApplication development method:The application will develop 3 parts until the chatter is completed and completeness of the application processesThe second part (version 2)We offer in this part 30 door only from Sahih Bukhari plus some operations such as1-sharing application2-see other applications3-Book Search4-door search for5-b Search number of modern6-Add talk to Favorites7. Add a note to talk8-post modern textWhat offers stratificationBasic functionality of the application is offering sayings of the Prophet in Sahih Bukhari user and recall of existing books in Sahih Bukhari inIn this section Book of Revelation Book of Faith Book of Knowledge Book ablution Washing book Book menstruation Book tayammum prayer book Book Prayer Timings Book Mobile The doors of the group and the Imamate prayer Doors Description of Prayer Book Friday Fear Prayer Book Book Eid Book chord Book for rain Eclipse Book Book of the prostration of the Quran Book shortening prayer Book tahajjud Book virtue of praying in the Mosque of Mecca and Medina Work book in prayer Book omissions Book Funerals Book of ZakatBook of HajjBook UmrahBy using the application:When you open the application for six of the names of the books offersThe book selection is displayed for six of doors mentioned in the bookAnd choose the door transport is second to window displays conversations contained in sectionIt offers some of the processes mentioned you in a SupremeThe next partGod willing, we will provide in the next part 30 other book of Sahih BukhariAnd some other operationsNote:We hope the mistakes that appear to have until they are corrected version coming and submit us your account